
Selected Resources


Here are some resources you may find helpful.  Have additional suggestions?  Please reach out!

Capacitor - The free worldwide database of biomanufacturing capacity

Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory (IBRL) - (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The IBRL is a bioprocessing product research and development facility that bridges the gap from basic discovery to commercialization of bioproducts. IBRL provides a lab and pilot plant for innovative research to market application and commercial products for industry partners.

Plant Protein Innovation Center (PPIC) - (University of Minnesota) The Plant Protein Innovation Center is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to studying plant and alternative proteins.

The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) - A forum for science of food professionals and technologists to collaborate, learn, and contribute all with the goal of inspiring and transforming collective scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of all people around the world.

3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI) - Independent, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to advancing hygienic equipment design for the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. 3-A SSI represents the interests of three stakeholder groups with a common commitment to promoting food safety and the public health — regulatory sanitarians, equipment fabricators and processors.

CellAgri - CellAgri is a news and insights platform that explores the future of food with cellular agriculture.

Cellular Agriculture Australia - A Global Hub For Online Learning In Cellular Agriculture.

Project Management Institute (PMI) - Project Management Institute (PMI) is the leading professional association for project management, and the authority for a growing global community of millions of project professionals and individuals who use project management skills. PMI empowers people to make ideas a reality. 

FOOD ENGINEERING - The magazine for food processing and manufacturing operations.

Food Dive - Food Dive provides in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping the food industry. The newsletters and website cover topics such as manufacturing, packaging, ingredients, R&D, flavor trends, and more.

Construction Dive - Construction Dive provides in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping the construction and building industry. The daily email newsletter and website cover topics such as commercial building, residential building, green building, design, deals, regulations and more.

American Institute of Architects (AIA) Contract Documents - AIA Contract Documents are the nearly 200 forms and contracts that define the  relationships and terms involved in design and construction projects. AIA contracts and forms are now recognized as industry standard documents for architects, contractors, engineers, attorneys, owners and all others parties involved in a construction project. 

Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk)

[David's note] Drive is my 'go-to' book on motivation and applications to leadership.  "...three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose...[this book will] change how we think and transform how we live."

Hierarchy of Controls (From The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH])

[David's note] Critical concept and reading for workplace safety (or even safety in general.

Mission: Plant

Mission:Plant advances the plant-based and alternative protein industries through strategic consulting services and investments. The company specializes in helping to effectively launch alternative protein food and ingredient companies into the US market.